News | Posted 11 August 2017
Our house in the middle of. . . . .
. . . . . St Andrew’s Square! Yes, it is there – more to the St David’s St side of the square than the middle actually – but sitting there nestled under a tree – our prototype home for the Social Bite Village. It arrived on the back of a truck yesterday at 5.30am and with the help of …

. . . . . St Andrew’s Square! Yes, it is there – more to the St David’s St side of the square than the middle actually – but sitting there nestled under a tree – our prototype home for the Social Bite Village.
It arrived on the back of a truck yesterday at 5.30am and with the help of two 8 tonne forklifts and an enthusiastic team of workers led by Project Director Gill Henry and Managing Director of Carbon Dynamic Matt Stevenson, was carefully lifted over the railings and manoeuvred into position.
Then it was the turn of the interior decorators to fit the kitchen and appliances and put the furnishings in place. By 1pm it was open for viewing to an extremely positive and appreciative public with many people saying they would be happy to move in immediately.
The prototype will be on display in St Andrew’s Square until August 31. Please come along and have a look, ask questions about the project and give us comments and feedback.
Look out for further updates and photos in the coming days.