News | Posted 10 May 2017
Artisan Roast
Hate going to a café where your favourite cuppa is a bit of a hit or a miss? Well, that’s not a problem faced by Social Bite’s cafes anymore thanks to our partnership with Artisan Roast. All staff members are being schooled in the intricacies of producing the perfect cup of coffee from grinding and brewing to extract the full …

Hate going to a café where your favourite cuppa is a bit of a hit or a miss?
Well, that’s not a problem faced by Social Bite’s cafes anymore thanks to our partnership with Artisan Roast.
All staff members are being schooled in the intricacies of producing the perfect cup of coffee from grinding and brewing to extract the full flavour of the coffee, to finishing with the correct milk consistency. It’s an art in itself!
In the photo above Bonnie Burton from our Rose Street café and Hannah Cumming from Shandwick Place enjoy the full barrista training from Artisan Roast’s Giulia Galastro.